What does New Hope North believe?

Find out more about our Foundational Beliefs

Serving God By Serving Others

Matthew 25:34-40

Our Mission

To make God’s Vision for New Hope North a reality.

  • A safe place where all are welcome and feel welcome

  • A caring place: where physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met

  • A healing place: where physical, emotional, and spiritual healing occurs

  • A place that expresses Jesus’ unconditional love to God and others

  • A place where we do life together: where intimate community happens

  • A place of emotional and spiritual growth: through prayer, adherence to God’s word, and in authentic relationships with God and others

Our Vision

We see a church that is a safe, caring, and healing environment where all people experience the unconditional love of Jesus, doing life together as they grow in their specific calling to fulfill the Great Commission.